terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2011

HOW TO make the most delicious EGG-FLIP ("gemada")

This is a very quick recipe ive just invented so i make you make good use of it (its wonderful)

1 egg
2 spoons of condensed milk
a tiny portion of milk

You are going to need to separate the white part of the egg from the yellow one. You are going to use only the yellow one, so you throw away the white part or do anything else with it.

Thus you mix the yellow part with the spoons of condensed milk in a cup of tea and mix it very well. Then you add the milk until you have half of the cup full! Put it in the microwave oven for sumthing like 45 seconds or more, mix it well again and enjoy your wonderful EGG-FLIP!

Its very reassuring of your manlihood. Its great! Makes me very happy when i eat it.

Um comentário:

  1. I say, one can bake the egg-whites on the microwave and have it as a salty snack, not bad...

    This seems very delicious, truly, but i should say i'm no big fan of the milky taste it may have... Maybe i'd rather have my yolks solo, but i will syrely try this one out. =)

    And way to go!
    You are truly becoming the biggest EGGMASTER!!!!
